Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Ethanol - Friend or Foe?

What you need to know about ETHANOL and your Scooter, Motorcycle, ATV, Mower or Small Engine.

Monday, October 19, 2015


Well, here's a quick lesson on 4 stroke engines and how they work and how to troubleshoot them. Keep in mind, whether it's a scooter, an atv, a mower or even a car, the theory remains the same.

First thing you need is:

INTAKE (The 1st Stroke) - During the intake stroke, the intake valve opens and the piston moves down drawing a charge of vaporized FUEL in to the cylinder from the carburetor.
COMPRESSION (The 2nd Stroke) - As the piston rises, the valves are forced shut by the increased cylinder pressure compressing the fuel/air mixture.
The POWER stroke - also known as COMBUSTION (The 3rd Stroke) - At the top of the compression stroke, the spark plug fires, igniting the compressed fuel. As the fuel burns it expands, driving the piston downward.
And finally...
The EXHAUST (The 4th Stroke) -  At the bottom of the power/combustion stroke, the exhaust valve is opened by the cam/lifter mechanism and the upward stroke of the piston drives the exhausted fuel out of the cylinder.

You can follow along with the diagram:
1=Intake, 2=compression, 3=Power/Combustion, 4=Exhaust

So, here's the quick rundown.
If you have fuel, check for spark.
If you have spark, check compression.

If you have fuel, spark and compression, it has to at least try to start.
If it has all 3 and doesn't even try to start, check electrical.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Peace, man...

No, not really. In my humble opinion, Peace failed to deliver a reliable ATV leaving customers and mechanics frustrated and annoyed

After much research, I found out TPATV150's along with countless others had the EPA certification revoked a few years ago.

What that means is that a few parts are no longer available. Keep in mind, most things are serviceable, carburetors, most brake pads & shoes, relays, batteries, etc, you get the idea but what happens when you need something specific?

Take a look at the photo below. Notice anything funny?

Take a another look.

 Yup, can't get THAT part anywhere and there isn't enough room to drill and tap new holes for the caliper. I could find someone to weld cast but its difficult, to say the least, and it would help if you had the missing piece, which I don't. So, no rear brakes.

No, no peace, thank you, I'll pass.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Difference Between Maintenance and Repairs

Do these differences really matter? Actually, yes, yes they do.

Repairs are services that are required or necessary when something on your bike, scooter, small engine is not working properly.

Maintenance is the routinely scheduled services, inspections and part replacements that your bike, scooter, small engine manufacturer recommends based on the age, usage, hours or mileage of your equipment.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Honda Metropolitan - Not Running?

Complaint? Scooter not running.

I can't stress the importance of using a fuel stabilizer before you tuck your scooter away for any lenght of time. I don't really care what brand you use, Sta-Bil, Opti-Mizer, Pennzoil (gumout), Pri-G, Briggs & Stratton (Fuel Fresh), Seafoam, etc... you get the jist of it. Pick one. Any one. Just pick one and add it to your tank.

Why don't I care what brand you use? Because anything is better than nothing. I'm not here to try and sell you a brand. I really don't care. Just use one.

Let me say that again...ANYTHING is better than nothing.

Results? After a complete fuel system flush, luckily, I was able to get one of the Metro's running. The other one needs a complete fuel system overhaul including a new fuel tank, fuel unit, and fuel pump. I managed to save the carburetor but the owners are looking at something in the $400.00 neighborhood to get the Metro up and running properly.

And to think a $7.00 or $8.00 dollar bottle of stabilizer might have prevented this.

Looking into the fuel tank, not a good sign to see all that rust.

A better view of the fuel tank damage. See all the rust and how the gas is starting to varnish?

Photo inside the carburetor showing the gasoline turning to varnish.

The actual color of the gasoline that came out of the tank.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Little red nasty secret

Its official, the Honda had a nasty little secret. The ATV has been neglected and forgotten.

Don't let this happen to you. There is only one way to stop this from ever happening again.

Get out there and RIDE! :)