Monday, October 12, 2015

Honda Metropolitan - Not Running?

Complaint? Scooter not running.

I can't stress the importance of using a fuel stabilizer before you tuck your scooter away for any lenght of time. I don't really care what brand you use, Sta-Bil, Opti-Mizer, Pennzoil (gumout), Pri-G, Briggs & Stratton (Fuel Fresh), Seafoam, etc... you get the jist of it. Pick one. Any one. Just pick one and add it to your tank.

Why don't I care what brand you use? Because anything is better than nothing. I'm not here to try and sell you a brand. I really don't care. Just use one.

Let me say that again...ANYTHING is better than nothing.

Results? After a complete fuel system flush, luckily, I was able to get one of the Metro's running. The other one needs a complete fuel system overhaul including a new fuel tank, fuel unit, and fuel pump. I managed to save the carburetor but the owners are looking at something in the $400.00 neighborhood to get the Metro up and running properly.

And to think a $7.00 or $8.00 dollar bottle of stabilizer might have prevented this.

Looking into the fuel tank, not a good sign to see all that rust.

A better view of the fuel tank damage. See all the rust and how the gas is starting to varnish?

Photo inside the carburetor showing the gasoline turning to varnish.

The actual color of the gasoline that came out of the tank.