Friday, October 16, 2015

Peace, man...

No, not really. In my humble opinion, Peace failed to deliver a reliable ATV leaving customers and mechanics frustrated and annoyed

After much research, I found out TPATV150's along with countless others had the EPA certification revoked a few years ago.

What that means is that a few parts are no longer available. Keep in mind, most things are serviceable, carburetors, most brake pads & shoes, relays, batteries, etc, you get the idea but what happens when you need something specific?

Take a look at the photo below. Notice anything funny?

Take a another look.

 Yup, can't get THAT part anywhere and there isn't enough room to drill and tap new holes for the caliper. I could find someone to weld cast but its difficult, to say the least, and it would help if you had the missing piece, which I don't. So, no rear brakes.

No, no peace, thank you, I'll pass.

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